Sunday 5 May 2019

Using Glide to Create Useful Learning Provider Mobile Apps

Glide - - is a free tool that educators can use to create a mobile app by simply creating a spreadsheet in Google Sheets

There are many different ways that educators, learners & administrators might use Glide in their organisation. 

Here are some ideas from Richard Byrne (adapted for post 16+ learning providers) to consider...

  1. A mobile study guide: Educators and/or Learners can create an app that lists each section or unit of their curriculum. In each section they can provide videos, podcasts, or simply link to additional documents for review. 
  2. A mobile version of school handbooks: When various stakeholders have a question about your organisation, their first instinct is probably to pick up their phones to search your learning provider's website or to call the office. A mobile version of learning provider's handbook could make it easy for stakeholders to quickly find the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). 
  3. A mobile reporting system: If Educators have learners and/or stakeholders using Google Forms for logging information about multiple goals like independent reading, outdoor play, or behaviour goals, they should consider placing links to all of those forms in one convenient app. 
  4. Room Use Schedule: Many Educators work in Organisations that have more educators than learning environments so it can be always kind of a guessing game as to who was using which room and when. An app that makes it easy to find out who is using which rooms at which times would help considerably! With Glide you could create that kind of app. 
To discover how to "Create your first app with Glide" watch the video clip at

If you give “Glide " a try or have already used "Glide“, do share your feedback, positive and/or negative, in the comments.

Thank you

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P.S.S. Disclaimer: I don't have any relationship (financial or in exchange for services) with any of the items that I post.

"I post about items that I either like using myself or have found them to be very helpful and/or I feel that educators and/or Learners will find they can enhance their current practice by trying them out."

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